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Corporate Services 企業服務

Full range of corporate services and company secretarial support are provided 提供全方位的公司商業和公司秘書服務


A full range of secretarial services provided include but not limited to: 其主要服務範圍包括但不限於: Company formation, i.e. H.K., BVI & Cayman Islands etc 香港和海外公司成立服務 Maintenance of statutory records 處理公司之法定記錄 Arranging and attending meetings of directors and shareholders and preparation of minutes 安排及出席董事及股東會議,並處理會議記錄 Liquidation, dissolution and cessation of business 呈報法定報表,例如周年申報表 Provision of registered office 提供註冊地址 Liquidation, dissolution and cessation of business 公司清盤、解散及結業 Preparing and keeping of significant controllers register (SCR) and acting as designated representative 協助準備並備存重要控制人登記冊及擔任公司的指定代表

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