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Business & Tax Advisory 商業及稅務諮詢服務
Reduce tax liabilities and enhance business profitability 為客人最大限度地利用稅收優惠,從而減少稅務支出,提高盈利。
A full range of advisory services provided include but not limited to: 其主要服務範圍包括但不限於: Preparation and review of Tax Returns, including Profits Tax Return, Employers and Employees Salaries Tax Return, Individual Tax Return, Property Tax Return and application for Personal Assessment 處理各類稅務申報,包括利得稅報稅、僱主申報僱員薪俸、個人報稅、物業稅報稅及個人入息課稅 Acting as tax representative 作為客戶之稅務代表 Tax planning and advice on matters for companies and individuals to minimise tax exposure legally 為個人及公司合法地安排稅務計劃及提供稅務諮詢服務 Stamp Duty planning 印花稅之稅務安排 Assistance in handling IRD enquiries, tax field audit, tax investigation and appeals 協助客戶回答稅務局之查詢、處理稅務局之實地審核和稅務調查,並代表客戶提出稅務上訴
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